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The Day I Lost My Favorite Rod

Just like any other Saturday I went out to go fish, but this was like no other. I was at a usual catfishing pond with my buddy Richard. About two hours into the day I started to chum the water and tons of channel cats were in front of us, we’ve never seen so many at one time. So I casted my rod out and its not just any rod its the rod I told myself I’m never going to catfish with, my Field &Stream tec-spec and shimano curado 200e7. About 10 minutes later we noticed no bites and no more catfish. Well that’s what we at least thought. I was in the middle of making a rig for Richard to use and in the blink of an eye and shots into the water, I threw off my shoes to go in and grab it and by the time I go to bend over and grab it, it takes off shooting deeper in the murky water. I thought my whole day had been ruined I was in an outrage. This has happened to me in the past, but those times were different, those times in the past I used rods made for catfishing, and would float if they ever went in to the water. So I made a plan, I was going to put something together on an extra rod and search for my rod, I was not going to leave until I got it back. I went into my tackle box pulled out an egg weight, a top water popper and a big ole frog hook. I slid the weight onto the line and tied

Jonny Basstimes

the popper and the frog hook on at the same time. This may seem weird but I knew it would work. The plan was to cast that out and let it sink, by having the popper it had the treble hooks so it could hook onto my rod on the bottom and by having the big frog hook it gave an extra hook up incase I came across the rod and the weight was to fill the bottom. 2 hours went by and nothing, no trace of my rod. I thought it would never be seen again. So I casted once again and was reeling really slow so I could feel anything on the bottom, and to my surprise I feel the hardest tug I’ve ever felt, I set the hook thinking ” yes its my rod!” But no, a giant 8-9lbs largemouth bass had came jumping into the air and there I could see it had ate the popper I was using to find my rod. I fought the fish trying to keep it from jumping and I landed it. I was so happy but then at the same time mad because I hadn’t found my rod, after taking a video of the bass and a couple of pictures I let her go. Even from being so happy form catching that monster bass I was still mad about not finding my rod. I did a few more cast and yet again I felt a tug this time it was my rod! I was reeling too slow because I had snagged the line on one of the treble hooks and then as it got closer, I grabbed it and on the other end of the line was a monster catfish, at least 15 pound channel cat. It broke my line but I didn’t care, I had got my rod back, that shows how hard work and dedication can do great things. I told myself I wasn’t going to leave until I got my rod and I didn’t. I really hope you guys enjoyed my story, my name is Jon Carr known as Jonny Basstimes if you would like to see the video we had of the day you can click the following link

Submitted By Jon C.

The following fish story was submitted to our weekly fish story contest for the week of 1/23/2010. If you would like to enter next weeks fish story contest for a chance to win fishing related prizes (Tackle, Rods, Reels, Electronics and other Fishing Gear) please submit your fish story or become my (Adam Fisher’s) friend on facebook by clicking the button below and ask about the contest.

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