Fresh Fish: Fish and Chips

Who doesn’t love a nice big plate of fish and chips especially if you caught the fish yourself? Generally the best fish to use for frying is a firm white fish such as flounder, haddock, cod, tilapia or sometimes catfish and snapper.

Preparing the Fish Filets:First you want to cut the heads and tails of the fish off.  Next you will want to gut the fish, rinse the fish off in cool water and skin the fish using a sharp knife. After you have carefully removed the skin you will want to cut the fish in to several small fillets. Rinse the filets in cool water once more, pat dry and sprinkle each piece with salt and pepper. Place the filets in a tupperware container with 1/2-1 cup of lemon juice and refrigerate for 15 minutes while you prepare the batter and the chips.

Preparing the Batter (4-6 servings):

3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1/3 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon paprika
3/4 cup water

Mix all dry ingredients together in a medium bowl
Add water and mix well

Preparing the Chips:
2-3 lbs Russet potatoes cut into thin wedges or strips
vegetable or olive oil
sea salt

* You will want to deep fry the chips before you fry the fish, as the fish will cook quicker than the potatoes.

Deep Frying the Fish: Remove the fish filets from the refrigerator and coat the fish with the batter mix covering each filet completely. Pour about 3-4 inches of canola oil into a large non-stick pan. Heat oil to about 350. Deep fry each filet until a nice golden brown and place on a paper towel lined plate or platter so that the excess oil can drain onto the paper towel. Serve the fish and chips with malt vinegar and tarter sauce.

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